Enjoy a moment
with the cutest creatures
in the world!

For 5€ you can spend 5mn with some of the most adorable animals.

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Our stars

Galak, an adult white female goat


Meet Galak! This white female, 4 years of age, willingly follows the others, especially Lili. She is the sweet heart of the team but that doesn't mean she'll accept any crap... Galak can sometimes caught fighting the others (on Lili's behalf!)

Yep, Lili is definitely her best buddy! They often sleep side by side together.

Galak is the best mom any baby goat could dream of! She pays an extra attention to her offsprings and breastfeed them the longer.

Foodwise Galak is not very difficult, she's easily satisfied with hay (as you can see on her picture!) but sometimes she enjoys a little carrot here and there!

Orion, the affectionate male


The male of the group! He recently celebrated his 3rd birthday.

Damn if this one got an appetite...! If you're looking for him, check the hay ball. If not, no matter where you'll find him pretty sure he'll be eating something! Carrots, apples, salad, bramble... Yup, this one is a little greedy goat!

Orion, despite not being castrated, is very affective with everyone, goats & humans. He's not a dominant, but more of a soft one.

Mr Orion here can be a little smelly sometimes *cough*... Yeah okay, he stinks. But he's such a nice one, so we forgive him.

Lili, a fierce brown female goat


Say hello to the big boss of the house! If you pick her, remember your manners at all times if you don't wanna meet a horn very closely!

We don't know precisely her age, since we rescued her from an unfortunate situation. Based on her character and her teeth, we go for 4-5 years old. That probably makes her the elder here, which may explain her behavior... Let's say she has her standards and knows what she wants, and what she doesn't want.

And what she does not want, for example, is anyone eating nearby her Highness. Again, HORNS!

Djali, the funny dodo of the group, a brown and black adult goat


Does her name sounds familiar? Yep, you got it right. She's named after Esmeralda's goat, in The Hunchback of Notre-Dame. And let me tell you, if you've seen the movie, you know how she is!

She's the youngest one with 1yo, and the funny one here, such an energy ball! You better be rested if you wanna spend some time with her because you will get tired before her!!

Djali is not very difficult to find, she's the one jumping around. Fence? Bwah! Not afraid. Oh and also... If you happen to be a duck, she'll chase you around. Consider yourself warned!

She'll stop moving for a little while, if you give her an apple... That's the trick!

Cereale, the sweet and lonesome female one


Cereal is the quiet one here. This little lady is 2 years old and she likes her peace and tranquility.

You can imagine how much Djali likes to mess with that hehe!

Cereal being our flower child, you'll never find her fighting others. Unlike most of the goats, that always stay close together, Cereal is very often a bit in the back, eating her meal a few meters away from the others.


Young woman holding a goat

As you can already guess from my picture, goats are my favorite animal! I mean, they are so sweet, so soft, so playful! I don't get to visit them in farm very often sadly, since I live in the city. Goatflix provides a great solution to my problem, now I can have some time with goats without even moving from my place! I actually used Goatflix once to surprise my coworkers during one of our morning meeting... Let me tell you, not everybody was fully awaken that day! Some did not even notice the goat!

A man with his young daughter

My daughter is the most important person in the world for me, and her education is my top priority. It's important our children connect more with nature and animals, and because of the actual pandemic, I cannot take her to the farm. When I found Goatflix, it seemed like a good alternative! My daughter loves to see them running and jumping around, and she's always asking me when do we get to meet more goats.